Over the past few years, the term “receipts” has entered the pop culture lexicon to mean something broader than its traditional definition of a document that acknowledges either the receiving of a product or service, or money in exchange for a product or service.

These days, if you hear “receipts” mentioned in a song, television show, or movie, or see it on social media, there’s a good chance it is being used to mean proof that something is how a speaker claims it to be. For example, someone might claim to have the “receipts” that another person cheated on their spouse—perhaps in the form of screenshots of now-deleted social media posts or direct messages.

Well, when it comes to proving ownership of a closely held business, receipts—in the trendiest sense of the word—are a good thing. In fact, receipts are required.Continue Reading CLAIMING OWNERSHIP OF A COMPANY? YOU BETTER HAVE THE RECEIPTS.

For some owners of closely held companies, installing a board of directors may seem more painful than cutting off one of their pinkie fingers.

They’d have to give up control of their business.

They’d have to share confidential information.

They’d have to waste time on the formalities of having a board.

They’d have to waste money on compensating directors.

Putting aside for a moment whether these concerns are valid (they’re not), for many owners of closely held companies, installing a board could be one of the best things they do for their companies—and their sanity.Continue Reading PREPARE TO BE BOARDED! YET ANOTHER REASON CLOSELY HELD COMPANIES SHOULD CONSIDER INSTALLING BOARDS OF DIRECTORS

When two or more people become owners of a limited liability company and embody their relationship in an operating agreement, they usually see sunshine and rainbows in their future. They have an idea, they have a corporate structure, and they have each other.

But there comes a point in the life of many a multi-member

Many transactional attorneys view the fiduciary duties that flow from those in control of a company—officers, directors, managers, general partners and majority shareholders—to those not in control to be a nuisance because of the uncertainty they introduce into corporate transactions. To these attorneys, those duties are particularly problematic in the context of limited liability companies,

Closely held companies are like marriages but without the sex or kids to hold things together. And just like some marriages, closely held companies can fall apart. Sometimes these “business divorces” and the painful litigation they generate are inevitable. Business partners have different personalities, expectations regarding finances and strategies for interacting with the world and